Belonging or relating to the abode of YHWH while singing & playing arrangements of musical frequencies under the influence of adoration & worship to our Elohim

clouds reflecting on water celestial rhythms
“Sing unto him a new song, play skilfully with a loud noise”
— psalms 33:3 kjv

“Cántenle cántico nuevo; Tañan con arte, con voz de júbilo”
— psalms 33:3 rvr60

infinite loop ∞
‘Jesus You Are Prince Of Peace’

audio ↝ ‘Jesus You Are Prince Of Peace’ Regency (26.4MB)

infinite loop ∞
‘Oh Holy Night’

audio ↝ ‘Oh Holy Night’ (51MB)

video ↝ ‘Oh Holy Night’ performed by Tarah Paige (517MB)

[inspiration] + [design] + [skill]

· inspiration ·
G2535. θεόπνευστος theopneustos, a. [1] [√ 2536 + 4463]
God-breathed, inspired by God,
referring to a communication from deity
(NIV Word Study Dictionary)

· design ·
G1927. ένθύμησις enthymēsis, n. [4] [√ 1877 + 2596]
thought, reflection; design, idea:– thoughts (3), design (1)
(NIV Word Study Dictionary)

· skill ·
g5078. τέχνη, ης, ή
*(1) the ability & knowledge that enables someone to make a particular object
skill, expertise;
(Analytical Lexicon of the Greek New Testament)

“a person can receive only
what is given them from heaven”
— john 3.27 niv

“nadie puede recibir nada
a menos que Dios se lo conceda”
— juan 3:27 rvr60

“a time is coming & has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit & in truth for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.
God is Spirit, & his worshipers must worship in the Spirit & in truth”
— john 4.23-24 niv

“se acerca la hora, y ha llegado ya, en que los verdaderos adoradores rendirán culto al Padre en Espíritu y en verdad, porque así quiere el Padre que sean los que le adoren.
Dios es Espíritu y quienes lo adoran deben hacerlo en Espíritu y en verdad”
— juan 4:23-24 rvr60

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